While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety. Infection control has always been a top priority for our practice. We follow the highest standards of infection control recommendations made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Because of the most recent pandemic, we have remained up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that have been issued. For the safety of our patients, families and staff, we have set new protocols and safety measures in our office. Here are some of the changes you may see at your next appointment:
If you have an illness or are exhibiting symptoms, we recommend you call and reschedule your dental appointment.
Some illness and symptoms include:
a cold or the flu
fever or nausea
severe headaches or body aches
muscle or stomach pain, chest pain or difficulty breathing
vomiting or diarrhea
sudden loss of taste or smell
Other contagious diseases (e.g. Active Tuberculosis / Mumps / Measles / Chickenpox)
Please notify our staff before your appointment if you or someone you are in close contact with have recently traveled to one of the areas with large outbreaks of COVID-19 (foreign or domestic) or if you have been exposed to someone else who was diagnosed with COVID-19 or who was quarantined as a precaution.
If you are healthy, there’s no need to cancel your regularly scheduled dental appointment!
All patients and staff will have their temperatures taken when entering the office and be asked to complete a COVID-19 prevention checklist
All surfaces, including door handles, will be sterilized on a frequent basis
Hand sanitizer, hand washing supplies and masks are available to everyone
Air purification units have been placed throughout the office and HVAC unit has been upgraded
Front desk areas have protective plexiglass
Patients will be asked to call our office upon arrival for safe distancing
Scheduling considerations are made for social distancing
Doctors and staff will be wearing FDA and CDC approved, professional grade masks, face shields, and additional protective wear (PPE)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us immediately.
The below links provide additional information regarding the coronavirus:
World Health Organization (WHO):
Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
Our team will continue to monitor the situation and provide updated information.